A Seed in Time (2020)
Made Using: Unity · C# · Xbox Kinect · Projection · Blender · Al Jazeera API
Role: 3D modeler, technical artist, and coder

This piece is interacted with by hovering your hand over one bowl, seeds are added. By hovering your hand over the other bowl, seeds are eaten.

In Middle Eastern culture, sunflower seeds hold a significant role in intimate social gatherings between close friends and family. This piece recreates that setting: two bowls that are decorated in a commonly used design in the Middle East, a wooden tray, a carpet, and ceramic tiled floors. The nature of snacking on sunflower seeds while conversing about an array of topics creates a sense of passage of time, of leisure, and of connection. While this is a lovely atmosphere to be in, it is often done in the presence of news on TV.

With this piece, I want to create a commentary on the increasing tensions and conflicts occurring in the world and the denial of the urgency of action that should take place. Many of these heartbreaking stories are forgotten or neglected, and for the privileged, have become a sort of entertainment that you can leave and return to as you wish, with the power of a button.