Virtual Reality
Family Constellation (2022)
- Virtual Reality -
A virtual reality and projection installation made using ThreeJS, React, and Maya created as part of my MFA thesis show at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Tools and Workflows
Maya Python & Unity C# Scripts -
Camera Exporter and Importer
- Maya Tool -
A tool to export Maya animated cameras into Unity
Maya Python Script - Outliner Organizer
- Maya Tool -
A tool to easily reorganize 3D artists’ Maya Outliner
Unity Toon Shader
Simple toon shader with adjustable values for Unity
Augmented Reality
Atomic Chrysalis (2021)
- Augmented Reality -
An interactive AR filter made using Spark AR Studio specially commissioned for the Start a Reaction event at Henry Moore Nuclear Energy Sculpture Plaza
Nekochan the Jelly Cat (2020)
- Augmented Reality -
An AR filter workflow exercise featuring a 3D model created using Blender and Spark AR Studio
Interactives and 3D
Memory Console (2021)
- Interactive Installation -
An interactive installation piece made using
Processing IDE/Java and Adobe Premiere Pro exploring nostalgia and memories attached to video games
A Seed in Time (2020)
- Interactive Installation -
An interactive body motion sensing installation piece made using Unity, C#, Xbox Kinect, Blender, and a projector
Made as a commentary on the increasing tensions and conflicts occurring in the world and the denial of the urgency of action that should take place
RingRing (2020)
- Video Game -
Matching video game created using Unity and C#. Players match toy sound bites with their high quality source audio
3D Renders + Models
3D renders and models I made using Blender, Photoshop, Maya, and Arnold.
Animation and Film
Down the Euphrates River (2020)
- Generative Animation -
A screen-based work made using Unity, C# (instantiate function), and Blender. This piece explores that coexistence of peace and violence in present day war-torn Iraq
Caterpillar Train (2020)
- Animation Installation -
Installation piece displayed across 8 monitors made using C#, Maya, Blender, and Unity with a custom multiplayer server
Where Are You Right Meow? and other film works
(2018 - 2013)
- Animation and Film -
Films I worked on as Director, Assistant Director, Art Director, DoP, and Editor