Caterpillar Train (2020)
Made Using: Unity · C# · Maya · Blender · Photon (Multiplayer Server)
Role: 3D modeler, technical artist, coder

For Caterpillar Train, I used 4 Alienware computers and 4 display monitors, using 8 monitors in total. I wanted to use the space that these monitors are in to my advantage. So, I create a train that can travel between screens. It is an other-dimensional train that lives in a fantasy world: one that a caterpillar can be a train, and cute cactuses can be the passengers. The train stations are in the clouds and the passengers can walk on the clouds. Also, the caterpillar sounds like a horse - galloping and neighing. There are huge flowers in the background, spinning like a wind up toy. Let’s explore this nature-inspired fantasy world through a physical space in our real world.

This piece was made on Unity. For the documented installation, I created a multiplayer server so that all the monitors could connect to the same world. In this way, the monitors were showing the train in sync with each other. The viewers were delighted to see the cute passengers as they exited the stations. It is a playful, childish, and cartoon-inspired experience that makes people laugh.